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Miles and the mindset

How refreshing it was to read – on the announcement of the 2012 Miles Franklin Literary Award’s shortlist – that The Trust Company, which administers the Miles, has written to the judges ‘authorising them to use their discretions to modernise the interpretation ...


New home for ABR


Happily, ABR has a new home, well away from the egregious fashions of Bridge Road, Richmond. Soon we will be moving to a new community hub ...


Peter Porter Poetry Prize

Michael Farrell is the winner of the 2012 Peter Porter Poetry Prize, worth $4000. Our judges, Judith Beveridge and David McCooey, selected his poem,


Enter the Jolley Prize

Exponents of short fiction will have until 31 May to enter the ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize. This year’s prize money is divided three ways. The winner will again receive $5000; the two place-getters will receive $2000 and $1000 ...


ABR Fellowship news

Our largest and strongest field to date vied for the latest Australian Book Review Sidney Myer Fund Fellowship, worth $5000. The four judges – Tony Birch, Helen Brack, Colin Golvan, and Peter Rose – chose Sydney ...


Reference vision

By year’s end, it’s not easy to become giddy-headed about our daily cache of new publications, but one book from Cambridge University Press that turned our heads is The Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture, edited by Philip Goad and Julie ...


Art talk

We suspect that this issue of ABR, at eighty pages in the print edition, is our longest yet. There were so many books to accommodate, plus a welcome new cohort of advertisers, especially in the gallery world. We thank all of them for their support.

Art is our chosen theme this month. The first half of the magazine contains a


Critical minds

Fifty years ago this month, Max Harris and Geoffrey Dutton published the first issue of Australian Book Review, a stylish, mono, three-column, tabloid-sized magazine of sixteen pages, costing one shilling and nine pence. Auspiciously, the contributors included Robert Hughes (on Sidney Nolan), Randolph Stow (Nene Gare), and Dutton h ...


ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize

Claire Aman, Gaylene Carbis, Gregory Day, and Carrie Tiffany are the four shortlisted authors in the inaugural ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize. Their stories appear in this special Fiction issue. ABR and the judges – Tony Birch, Mark Gomes, and Terri-ann White – ...


Fiction galore

When entries closed in July, we had received 1300 entries in the ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize. Our three voracious judges are now finalising the shortlist. The four nominated short stories will appear in our Fiction issue in October. We ...