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Madeline Gleeson

Madeline Gleeson

Madeline Gleeson is a lawyer and Senior Research Associate at the Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law. She specialises in international human rights and refugee law, and has extensive experience working with forcibly displaced people around the world, including in Cambodia, Geneva and South Africa. Her most recent book is Offshore: Behind the Wire on Manus and Nauru (2016)

Madeline Gleeson reviews 'They Cannot Take The Sky: Stories from detention' edited by Michael Green et al.

May 2017, no. 391 28 April 2017
Madeline Gleeson reviews 'They Cannot Take The Sky: Stories from detention' edited by Michael Green et al.
‘Only in literary language can people understand our life and our condition.’ Refugee law and policies are subject to vociferous debate the world over as governments and societies grapple with the challenges of almost unprecedented global displacement. Yet the most relevant voices – those of refugees and asylum seekers themselves – are usually missing from these debates. We speak about re ... (read more)