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Terri-ann White

Terri-ann White
Terri-ann White has been published since the late 1980s, taught writing in the community and universities, and previously been an independent bookseller.  Her books include a collection of short stories, one novel, three anthologies, and she has been published widely in journals and anthologies. She has an abiding interest in expression and takes great pleasure in collaborative work with other thinkers and artists, especially in the forms of the visual arts and performance. She is currently Director of UWA Publishing.

Terri-ann White reviews 'Calcutta: Two years in the city' by Amit Chaudhuri

June–July 2014, no. 362 27 May 2014
Terri-ann White reviews 'Calcutta: Two years in the city' by Amit Chaudhuri
There is currently a very appealing trend in publishing with books about cities written by creative writers: fiction writers, novelists, and essayists. In Australia we have had the Cities Series from NewSouth Publishing: personal, writerly books that capture the spirit of our capital cities (and Alice Springs) and take us along pathways, with the idiosyncratic accompaniment of a local who is also ... (read more)

Terri-ann White reviews 'Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century' by John B. Thompson

February 2011, no. 328 01 February 2011
Terri-ann White reviews 'Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century' by John B. Thompson
Since well before the global financial crash of 2008, there has been pessimism about the future of the book in an age of new paradigms: electronic transmission and gadgetry, all thus far untested, in a screen culture age. This uncertainty still hovers, like a pungent doom-cloud, despite the furious conversion of new and backlist files into multiple formats in publishing houses everywhere in readin ... (read more)
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